Do I have to book in advance?

To avoid disappointment, we recommend booking as far in advance as possible. If there is availability for your desired date, we may be able to provide a last minute booking if your journey originates from Leicestershire and it's surrounding regions.

What happens if my flight is delayed?

Flights can be delayed (and this is one of our most frequently asked questions!). Our drivers will monitor your flight details to ensure that they are waiting for you when you arrive.

Can I change the date or time of my booking?

We understand that there may be circumstances that mean that changes need to be made to a booking. As long as we know at least 5 days before you travel and have availability, then we would be pleased to help you change your booking! If your plans change, please get in contact with us as soon as possible.

How many pick up and drop off locations can we have?

We can provide as many as you need. Please discuss this with your sales advisor or make a note of it on the quotes page.

How do I book a minibus?

In the first instance let us know your requirements using our quote form or telephone or email us with your requirements. We will get back to you with availability and a price and explain the rest process of the process. But rest assured, it’s not that difficult and we aim to make like as easy as possible for you!

Does the cost of a minibus include a driver?

Yes, the prices we quote for minibus hire always include the driver.

Do I have to wear a seatbelt when traveling by minibus?

Coach and minibus travel is statistically one of the safest forms of transport available. To ensure this safety standard is maintained seatbelts are provided at every seat and all passengers over 14 years of age are required by law to wear them. Use of seatbelts for younger children and babies traveling on an adult’s lap is at the discretion of the organizer (not the driver) and will depend on the size of the child and the design of seatbelt. All of our minibuses are fitted with diagonal belts. Transport of children in car seats is acceptable but we don’t provide extendable seatbelts and require an adult to sit immediately adjacent to every child carried in this way

What should I do if I think I have lost something on one of your minibuses?

Please always check you have all your personal belongings before getting off the minibus. However, if you think you may have left something behind please call our office on 07842 703 248 during office hours and we will try to trace your property and reunite you with it. Unfortunately, we cannot be held responsible for any item left on our vehicles. It helps considerably if you can provide accurate details of the journey on which you think you lost it and where you were sat on the minibus. Items found on our minibuses will generally be kept for one month unless they are perishable in which case they will be kept for a maximum of 24 hours.

How much luggage can we take?

We recommend that each passenger take a maximum of 2 pieces luggage that consist of 1 suitcase or similar item and 1 piece of hand luggage. If you would like to take more than 2 pieces of luggage, these can be accommodated but may have an impact on maximum passenger numbers. If you want to know more about luggage and restricted items, please see our Terms and Conditions.
Leicester Based Chauffeur Driven Minibus Service

Making Travel Easier

Fixed Low Price transfers from Leicester to Birmingham Airport
Personal Touch bus from Leicester to Birmingham Airport
Direct transfers from Leicester to Birmingham Airport
Flexible tickets from Leicester City Centre to Birmingham Airport
Fixed Low Price transfers from Leicester to Birmingham Airport